YJ Draiman for Mayor 2022
Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles
About YJ Draiman

YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles - 2017

Los Angeles Elections 2017

YJ Draiman believes in principles and integrity over profit and personal gain

YJ Draiman is the lead elected official fourth term for the Northridge East Neighborhood Council – NENC, he is also the liaison between the NENC and LADWP. As an Energy Efficiency Advocate YJ Draiman is known for his advancement in implementing Energy efficiency, Renewable energy and Water conservation in the Los Angeles Area. YJ Draiman is promoting his platform of Made in America to bring back to the city of Los Angeles a strong industrial base, increase employment, strengthen education and reduce government and implement fiscal responsibility.
YJ Draiman ran for Los Angeles City Council in 2009. He was sworn in as an elected member of NENC, Los Angeles in April 2010, 2012, 2014 and was re-elected in 2016 and is currently serving a fourth term, he also ran for Mayor in 2013. YJ Draiman brings to the NENC Office a unique combination of government, business and community leadership experience. He is also a member of The Northridge Vision Committee.

YJ Draiman is a former Real Estate developer with over 25 year’s experience; he has worked extensively in rehabbing neighborhoods. YJ Draiman has vast experience in the deregulation of Utilities and implementing energy and water conservation. He is an Energy Efficiency expert for over 25 years as well as an Alternative Energy authority and a Telecommunications auditor. YJ Draiman has been working in the Energy and the Utility markets for over 25 years. In January 1996 he was asked to run for U.S. Senate, but he declined. YJ Draiman is currently working on his PHD in energy conservation.
YJ Draiman participated with the Utility Commission in protecting citizens from increased tariffs, where he championed projects offering opportunities for job creation, economic development, and social services for the less fortunate.

YJ Draiman lives in Northridge and is married to Miriam Draiman. They have two sons, David who is a professional singer with a popular rock band Disturbed and Benjamin who is a clinical researcher as well as vocalist/musician.
YJ Draiman - The son of European immigrants, YJ Draiman was born in 1949. He was reared in Brooklyn, New York. After graduating from High School, he studied Engineering in New York City. In 1971, he got married and went to work as a Mechanical Engineer in the printing industry.

In 1975, YJ moved to Chicago where he initially worked as an Administrator in a Healthcare facility. But for most of his adult life, YJ has been a businessman. He rehabilitated apartment buildings, he owned a Real Estate Office, he partnered in a Natural Gas Exploration venture and operated a chain of electronic stores. And in 1984, he started marketing Deregulated natural gas, natural gas futures hedging and Efficiency in Energy, Water, Telecom and Utility Services. He’s been active in this business ever since. He’s been recognized by the Illinois State Commerce Commission as a Utilities Expert.
In 2005, YJ came to Los Angeles. He resides in Northridge and has lived there ever since. As a resident of Northridge, he developed an interest in the Northridge East Neighborhood Council (NENC). In 2010 he was elected as a Member of the Council’s Board of Directors. Today, he’s the Secretary and he serves on both the Executive and Finance Committees for the fourth term. Moreover, YJ also represents the NENC on the Northridge Vision Organization. In 2010 YJ was a candidate for Councilman in District 12th and also ran for Mayor of Los Angeles in 2013. YJ is currently working on his PHD in Energy conservation.
YJ Draiman wants to be your Mayor! He feels his successful business experience has given him the skills, abilities and insights needed to balance the interests of the City’s very diverse communities. In the end, YJ believes all Angelinos (himself included) expect City government to be effective and efficient—to provide excellent services at an affordable price.

To achieve those goals, YJ is committed to an ambitious jobs program: he’ll bring back those businesses that were forced—by the City’s high tax rate—to leave Los Angeles. Moreover, he’ll actively support the creation of new businesses in renewable energy and energy and water conservation. His goal is to set-up a department that will help struggling businesses and promote bringing back business and industry into Los Angeles with incentives. This willcreate jobs prosperity and new revenues to the government.
YJ reminds Angelinos, “Don’t forget that our City normally gets more sunlight than any other city in America. That fact must be used to our advantage. We will determine if it’s feasible to call Los Angeles The Solar City. We will explore the possibility of turning the whole City into “The World Capital of Renewable Energy’. That would attract billions of investment dollars to Los Angeles. It would facilitate the start-up of many small, energy-related businesses. It would create jobs and generate tax revenues.”
YJ is a family man. He and his wife, Miriam, have two adult sons, David 42 a lead singer for Disturbed and Benjamin, 38 a psychologist. He’s at a point in his life where he feels he can give something back to the country that has treated his family so well. He’d welcome comments/question from those who read this column, and can be reached by phone at: (818) 366-6999, or with an e-mail

I am a person.
I won't allow how I feel to be predetermined by how a political party feels.

George Washington ended his farewell address with, "The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local distinctions." Washington foresaw the destruction of a nation that could be undone by one of two things: political parties that split the nation, or terrorism. He knew that the will of nation could easily be overturned by the will of a party. Washington told the people that unity would provide them with "greater strength, greater resources and greater security from danger".

George Washington, one of our nation's Founding Fathers, warned against having political parties. What did America do? They did it anyway.
So now I'm following the advice of an influential forefather and refusing to be defined by a political party. I am not a democrat. I am not a republican. I am not an elephant, nor a donkey. I am not left-wing. I am not a right-wing. I am a person.

Once we define ourselves by political parties, we divide the nation. Continuing to divide the nation will not solve the same problems it created. In order to solve the problems that have been plaguing America for years, we have to try a solution we have never tried before - unity.

We've stood with Paris, with Liberia, with other nations in distress, but we have forgotten to stand with America.
Unity is not everyone feeling the same way about abortion, gay marriage and guns. It is standing together and respecting differences in opinions. It is compromising. It is the halt of attacks on political parties.

"Republicans are destroying America."
No more.
"Democrats are destroying America."
No more.
No more political based hate.

We all want the same thing. We want a better world for our family, our friends and our children.
You want hungry children to get fed. You want homeless animals to find homes. You want more affordable college for your children. You want the burden of the national debt to go away. You want lower taxes and a higher pay check. You want a phenomenal economy, versus the inflated one. You want to ensure that your son or daughter who is fighting for freedom gets home safe.

We all want the same things.
You will never live united with people you call "radicals," "extremists," "morons," "lunatics" and "fools." Stop viewing people as Democrats and Republicans. Start viewing them as people who want to make the world better, just like you.
When I vote I choose a candidate who agrees with my morals and my heart, not my party.

Posted by YJ Draiman

Every candidate should be asked!
How much of your soul and integrity are you willing to sell to get elected to a high public office?

Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have … The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.

In order to change direction, we must change the leaders and their staff

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