YJ Draiman for Mayor 2022
Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles
Middle East Facts

Re: Israel
 – To whom it may concern in EuropeAsiaFar East, South America, the US and elsewhere: r10

Re: Israel – To whom it may concern in Europe, Asia, Far East, South America, the US and elsewhere r10

We are tired of hearing that withdrawal from Judea and Samaria which is Jewish land will bring peace. We know and you know that it would bring another Gaza a terrorist entity. So stop saying it and promoting this deceptive and delusional fallacy. Past experience has proven that concessions, appeasement and land for peace only increased terror, violence and more conflict and hostilities.

We are tired of hearing that land beyond the Green Line is ‘Arab-Palestinian land’. The Green Line is simply an armistice line that has no political significance. You know this too. The 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement and The The San Remo Treaty of 1920 Granted the Mandate for Palestine to the Jewish people, confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, the same Allied powers also established 21 Arab States and one Jewish State – The Arabs are not willing to give up any part of the 21 Arab States with over 12 million sq. km. and the Jews are not willing to give up any part of the Jewish State which encompasses all of The Land of Israel aka Palestine about 120,000 sq. km.

We are tired of hearing about the “Arab-Palestinian people.” They are no different from the Arabs of Syria or Egypt, from which most of their ancestors migrated in the last 150 years or so most of them illegally. There is no Arab-Palestinian language or religion, and until very recently they considered themselves simply ‘Arabs’. Their culture is almost entirely defined by their opposition to the Jewish State. Teaching hate, violence and terror to their children and honoring terrorists. There never was an Arab-Palestinian State or people in History. The Arab Palestinians have a State in Jordan which is about 80% of the land originally allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.

We are tired of hearing that “the Arab-Palestinians deserve a state.” We are the remaining indigenous here, not them, and their behavior entitles them more to a trial at The Hague than to a State. The Arab- Palestinians have a State it is called Jordan which was carved out of Jewish allocated land in 1922, in violation of the treaty of 1920 and other Agreements.
And they certainly do not deserve our Jewish State, west of the
Jordan river, which is the only State they want. They already took about 80% of Jewish allocated land which is Jordan, expelled the Jews and confiscated their assets and prohibited Jews from owning property and or residing in Jordan. The Jordan state is a country that never existed in history before WWI. Israel against better judgment also gave them the Gaza Strip which they use to attack Israel.

We are tired of hearing about ‘The Occupation’, it is "Liberated Jewish Land". As Minister Naftali Bennett said the other day, you can’t be an occupier in your own land. The Arabs are the occupiers, Greater Israel has been a Jewish territory for about 4,000 years even if it was temporarily conquered and occupied by various nations over the centuries.

We are tired of hearing that “settlements are illegal under international law.” They are not. The San Remo Treaty of 1920 and the Mandate terms, explicitly stated that Jewish people can reside anywhere in the Mandate for Palestine, those terms have not been abrogated and are set in perpetuity. It allocated The Palestine Mandate for the Jewish people. It does not state it is allocated to any other people and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.

We are tired of hearing that “settlement construction is an obstacle to peace.” Arab rejectionism, destruction, violence, terrorism and suicide bombing is the reason there is no peace. When the Arab-Palestinians teach and preach hate, suicide bombing, terror and destruction to their children, this is definitely not a road to peace and coexistence.
By the way, we are pro-peace. We are just not pro-suicide and self destruction.

We are tired of hearing about the 5 million (or whatever ridiculous number there are alleged to be) ‘Arab-Palestinian refugees’ or the ‘Arab-Palestinian Diaspora’. There were about 600,000 Arabs in Israel 300,000 that left their homes in 1948, mostly of their own volition and at the urging of the 5 Arab invading armies, more or less at the same time as the over a million Jewish families and their children were terrorized and expelled from Arab countries, of which the Arabs confiscated all their assets, personal, businesses, homes and Real Estate over 120,000 sq, km. - 75,000 sq. miles (which is 6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars. We resettled ours million refugees that the Arabs expelled, with limited land and resources — resettle yours (on the land and homes you confiscated from the Jewish people and or Jordan), the 21 Arab states have more land and resources. The Arab dis-information and deception must be ignored and countered.

We are tired of hearing anything from anyone associated with the U.N. The U.N. is a parasitic, fraudulent and criminal enterprise dominated by our mortal enemies. The U.N. cannot create states, it can only recommend and so can other nations only recommend and not create a state that never existed before in history. If they want an Arab-Palestinian state, it already exists, it is Jordan which has taken about 80% of Jewish allocated historical land. They also have the land the Arabs Countries confiscated from the expelled million Jewish people which is 6 times the size of Israel (120,000 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles).

We are tired of stupid post-colonialist rhetoric. We are not ‘colonists’ and Arabs do not have the right to murder us in the name of ‘resistance’ or beheading Jewish Rabbi’s in Jerusalem’s Har Nof Synagogue, stabbing and car jamming. Talking this way reveals you as moral imbeciles. They train their children to be suicide bombers and terrorists. The Arabs are the colonialists, they have colonized the whole Middle East, expelled the Jews and now the Christians, and they will complete the take over Europe soon, and proceed to the U.S. and Canada etc.
You can not recognize a state and people that never existed and that has no borders, no single government, and no economy. They are not trusted by the Arab states either.
Kuwait expelled over 400,000 Arab-Palestinians.

We know we can not depend on any kind of security guarantee from anyone except the Israel Defense Forces. So stop being insulted because we do not trust you. And do not ask us to give up any nuclear weapons we might or might not have or any other method and technology that could help protect us.

If you hate us so much, give us back all our Medical technology that saved your lives. Give us back all our technology development that helped you advance economically and the list goes on and on.

We know that the left-wing parties in Israel are bankrupt of ideas. We are not going to vote for them, no matter how much you would like us to. So do not bother trying to influence our election. We will only vote for a government that protects its people and cares about the Jewish heritage, more than it cares for world opinion.

Don’t believe what you read in Ha’aretz newspaper, they represent a minority that has no allegiance to the Jewish heritage.

Jerusalem, undivided, is the capital of the Jewish State of Israel. Get used to it, because you can not change it, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. It was never a Capital of any other nation.

The Arabs killed the Jews in Medina aka Yathrib which was a Jewish city for thousands of years.

Ordinary Israelis who care about their safety, security, heritage and ancestry.

YJ Draiman


YJ Draiman, President AFSI LA

No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
David Ben Gurion

(David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State's main founder).

"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel.

No Jew has the authority to do so.

No Jewish body has the authority to do so.

Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel.
It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under
no conditions can be cancelled.

Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations.

No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country - the entire country - exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized."

(David Ben Gurion, Zionist Congress, Basel, Switzerland, 1937.)

"No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.

All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."

“Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”

Arabs expelled the million Jews from all their countries. 

The Jewish exodus from Arab lands refers to the 20th century expulsion or mass departure of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Islamic countries. The migration started in the late 19th century, but accelerated after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. According to official Arab statistics, over 989,000 Jews were forced out of their homes in Arab countries from 1948 until the early 1970's. Some 650,000 resettled in Israel, leaving behind personal property valued today at more than $990 billion. Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands has been estimated at 120,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the State of Israel). Valued today at about 15 trillion dollars

Not abused? I feel like swearing here. you can bet your rear end they were abused.

Patricia Metzger's campaign to achieve justice sheds light on a little-discussed aspect of the Israeli-Arab conflict: In the wake of the War of Independence and the establishment of Israel, two major population movements took place in the Middle East. The one that is frequently mentioned is the Palestinian exodus, but at the same time almost one million Jews were forced to leave Arab countries where they had lived for hundreds of years. According to official Arab statistics, due to persecution, some 960,000 Jews left those countries from 1948 to the beginning of the 1970's, and about 610,000 of them were absorbed in Israel. For the sake of comparison, the United Nations data estimate the original population of Arab-Palestinian refugees at 585,000.

Because we had no home for nearly two thousand years, Israel made itself independent of its Arab-British oppressors in 1948. In that year, another great Jewish Exodus occurred, leading to a large increase in the population of Israel and the decimation of some of the oldest Jewish communities on earth.

Jews have lived in the countries now occupied by Arabs since the destruction of the first 
Temple in 586 B.C.E. Yet, the descendants of these original inhabitants of so many Middle Eastern lands were driven out of their ancestral homes by the religious bigotry and racial animosity of the Arab invaders.

In 1945 there were more than 995,000 Jews living in Arabic speaking countries. Today, there are less than 6,000. Some Arab states like 
Libya are completely judenrein, i.e., cleansed of Jews, as the Arabs' best friend, Hitler, liked to say.

About 640,000 of these Jews were absorbed by 
Israel. Another 360,000 went to EuropeAmerica or Australia. Evidently, then, the refugee problem in the Middle East consists of the failure of the Arab states to compensate these 988,000 for the property and assets they were forced to leave behind.

Examples are 
Iraq, which once had a Jewish population of 97,000 and now only has less than one hundred Jews left. A good number of Jews left Egypt in 1948. Egypt is the country where Yasser Arafat was born (Arafat is an Egyptian. His real name is Husseinei). There were 81,000 Jews in Egypt in 1948. Yet, in connection with the Egyptian aggression of 1957, more than 27,300 Jews were forced to leave Egypt. Today, the Jewish community in Egypt amounts to only 180. These Jews left assets of $55 billion, for which they should now be compensated.

There are no Jews in 
Algeria today. That country is also Judenrein. In 1948 there were 160,000 Jews in Algeria. In Morocco, which was the home of 298,000 Jews before 1948, there are today only 5,700 Jews. Similar decimation occurred in SyriaTunisiaYemen and other Arab states. The governments of the these countries forcibly expelled all Jews, who then increased the Israeli population. From the Arab point of view that was indeed as stupid a policy as the Arab incitement of the Russian population against the Jews in that country. That anti-Jewish campaign by the Arab agitators led to the arrival in Israel of over a million Russian Jews. Many of the Jews were engineers and scientists of the first order. This helped Israel a great deal. Now the Arabs are making life miserable for the Jews of France and Belgium. There are over 750,000 Jews in France. If the Arabs keep up their attacks on these European Jews then Israel will again absorb a large contingent of Jews forced to flee France (and Belgium).

The Jewish exodus from the Arab lands was dramatic. Many Jews fled on foot while others were rescued by “Operation Magic Carpet.” This consisted of bringing 56,000 Yemeni Jews to 
Israel by plane.

It is evident, therefore, that the “refugee problem” in 
Israel consists of the failure of the Arabs to pay compensation to the one million Jews who were driven out of their homelands by the Arab hate mongers.

And There were riots prior to 
Israel existing. Simply wounding or killing Jews because there was a chance that Israel would exist.

Go on .
Tell me that 5 Times the land of Israel taken from Jews and 990 Billion dollars in personal assets and Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands has been estimated at 120,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the State of Israel). Valued today at about 15 trillion dollars isn't "Abusing " them . Its just your regular old nationalizing right? No racial hatred at all I am sure. Not to mention they were productive citizens who had no interest in moving to Palestine or they would have already done so (and wouldn't have been so bloody rich)

"If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance." - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)


Text of Law drafted by Political Committee of Arab League


1. Beginning with November 28, 1947, all Jewish citizens of (Name of Arab Country) will be considered as members of the Jewish minority State of Palestine and will have to register with the authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and the amounts of their deposits in these banks. This formality is to be accomplished within seven days.

2.  Beginning with (November 28, 1947), bank accounts of Jews will be frozen.  These funds will be utilized in part or in full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine.

3.  Beginning with (November 28, 1947), only Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered as "neutrals".  These will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay, or be considered as Arabs and obliged to accept active service with the Arab army.

4.  Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of those armies, will be considered as "Arabs".

5.  Every Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for that purpose by police authorities or by the Government.  His financial resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.

6.  Any Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab armies. 

7.  The foregoing (para.6) does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.



Note: All documents are referenced and all source material is readily available in the United Nations Archives

Chronology of Events and Evidence

For over 2,500 years, Jews resided in North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf region in substantial  numbers - fully 1,000 years before the advent of Islam. During the twentieth century, the uprooting of up to one million Jews from their ancient Jewish communities in ten Arab countries did not occur by happenstance.

State-sanctioned repressive measures, coupled often with violence and repression, precipitated the Jewish refugee problem in the Middle East.


There is ample evidence that points to collusion, a shared pattern of conduct amongst a number of Arab regimes that appeared intended to coerce Jews to leave, or to use them as weapons in the Arab world’s struggle against the State of Israel. This is evidenced from: 

(a) The drafting of a Law by the Political

Committee of the Arab League that recommended a coordinated strategy of repressive measures against Jews;

(b) strikingly similar legislation and discriminatory decrees, enacted by numerous Arab governments, that violated the fundamental rights and freedoms of Jews resident in Arab countries; 

(c) statements made by delegates of Arab countries at the U.N. during the debate on the ‘Partition Resolution’, representing a pattern of ominous threats made against Jews in Arab countries; and (d) newspaper reports from that period.

This Chronology provides a small sample, and not an exhaustive survey, of such of events and evidence.

* * * * *

In 1947, the Political Committee of the Arab League (League of Arab States) drafted a law that was to govern the legal status of Jewish residents in all Arab League countries (See attached Exhibit E). Arab diplomats at the UN sought to attribute blame for any danger to Jews on the Arab “masses” – indeed, even

to the UN itself – while, in fact, the Arab League was colluding to encourage state sanctioned discrimination against Jews in all of its member states – at the time, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, and Yemen.


This Draft Law of the Arab League provided that “...all Jews – with the exception of citizens of non-Arab countries – were to be considered members of the Jewish ‘minority state of Palestine,’; that their bank accounts would be frozen and used to finance resistance to ‘Zionist ambitions in Palestine; Jews believed to

be active Zionists would be interned as political prisoners and their assets confiscated; only Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of these armies would be considered ‘Arabs.’” 1

From the sheer volume of subsequent state-sanctioned discriminatory measures, replicated in so many Arab countries and instituted in such a parallel fashion, one is drawn to the conclusion that such evidence suggests a common pattern of repressive measures, - indeed collusion - against Jews by Arab governments

(See attached “State Sanctioned Persecution of Jews in Egypt {Exhibit K} and Iraq {Exhibit L}).

1 Text of Law Drafted by Political Committee of Arab League (See attached Exhibit E)

The following official statements demonstrate a pattern of ominously similar threats made against Jews in Arab countries:

November 24, 1947

In a key address to the Political Committee of the U.N. General Assembly on the morning of November 24, 1947, just five days before that body voted on the Partition plan for Palestine, Heykal Pasha, an Egyptian delegate, made the following statement:

“The United Nations ... should not lose sight of the fact that the proposed solution might endanger a million Jews living in the Muslim countries. ... If the United Nations decided to partition Palestine they might be responsible for very grave disorders and for the massacre of a large number of Jews.”2

November 24, 1947

In an afternoon session of the Political Committee of the U.N. General Assembly on November 24, 1947, the Palestinian delegate to the UN, Jamal Husseini, representing the Arab Higher Committee of Palestine to the UN General Assembly, made the following threat:

"It should be remembered that there were as many Jews in the Arab world as there are in Palestine whose positions might become very precarious.”3

November 28, 1947

Iraq's Foreign Minister Fadil Jamali, at the 126th Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly stated:

"Not only the uprising of the Arabs in Palestine is to be expected but the masses in the Arab world cannot be restrained. The Arab-Jewish relationship in the Arab world will greatly deteriorate.”4

January 19, 1948

A memorandum was submitted to the U.N. Economic and Social Council by the World Jewish Congress, warning ECOSOC that “all Jews residing in the Near and Middle East face extreme and imminent danger.” The memorandum referred to the Text of Law Drafted by Political Committee of [the] Arab League (See attached Exhibit E) which was already adopted by Egypt, Saudi Arabia

and Iraq. This law recommended discriminatory treatment against Jewish residents in all Arab League countries. The Memorandum went on to report on recent incidents of violence and other anti-Jewish measures in a variety of Arab countries. Due to the “extreme urgency” of this matter, the WJC requested that this matter be placed on “the agenda of the forthcoming” meeting of the

U.N. Economic and Social Council.

2 U.N. General Assembly, Second Session, Official Records, Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question, Summary Record of the Thirteenth Meeting, Lake Success, N.Y., November 24, 1947 (A/AC.14/SR.30). This comment was made at 10:30 am.

3 U.N. General Assembly, Second Session, Official Records, Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question, Summary Record of the Thirty-First Meeting, Lake Success, N.Y., November 24, 2947 (A/AC.14/SR.31) This

comment was made at 2:30 pm.

4 U.N. General Assembly, Second Session, Official Records, Verbatim Record of the 126th Plenary Meeting, November 28, 1947, p. 1391.

February 16, 1948

A second Memorandum was submitted by the World Jewish Congress to the ECOSOC President, citing cases of serious violence, economic discrimination and “anti-Jewish excesses” that had occurred in Syria. Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and Bahrain, urging the Council “to take up the situation of these Jewish populations as a matter of immediate international concern.”5

March 5, 1948

Item 37 on the agenda of the UN Economic and Social Council, supported by Document E/710

(See attached Exhibit J) was to deal with the “extreme and imminent danger” to Jews in Arab countries. The Council’s President, Dr. Charles H. Malik (Lebanon), utilized a procedural maneuver that resulted in the matter never being addressed.

March 11, 1948

When the Council was ready to resume its deliberations, Mr. Katz-Suchy (Poland) requested that the matter of Document E/710 (See attached Exhibit J: The World Jewish Congress Memorandum that alluded to “The extreme and imminent danger to Jews residing in the near and Middle East) be

reconsidered. He charged that “agreement had been reached among the five major Powers not to discuss document E/710” and argued that “usual” Council procedure was not followed. Mr. Kaminsky (Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic) declared that “he could not condone a practice whereby items on the agenda were allowed to disappear from the agenda.” A resolution

recommending that this matter be discussed in full at the next Council meeting (July 1948) was adopted by a vote of 15 – 1. The lone dissenting vote was cast by the representative of Lebanon who stated that the resolution “was tantamount to prejudging the issue.”

May 16, 1948

A New York Times article reported on Law drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab League and revealed some of its provisions:

"It [the law] provides that beginning on an unspecified date all Jews except citizens of non-Arab states, would be considered "members of the Jewish minority state of Palestine."

Their bank accounts would be frozen and used to finance resistance to "Zionist ambitions in Palestine." Jews believed to be active Zionists would be interned and their assets confiscated.”6

June 21, 1948

The Council referred this matter back to the NGO Committee of ECOSOC which met and reviewed document E/710 (i.e. The World Jewish Congress Memorandum that alluded to “The extreme and imminent danger to Jews residing in the near and Middle East). A resolution “concluded that it should not make specific recommendations regarding the substance of the consultation (WJC Memorandum) unless specifically requested by Council” 7. This circuitous

‘buck passing’ ensured that the matter was never addressed.

5 Report on the Activities of the Political Department (November 15, 1947 – May 15, 1948)

6 New York Times May 16, 1948 "Jews in Grave Danger in All Muslim Lands, Nine hundred thousand in Africa and Asia face wrath of their foes." by Mallory Browne.

7 Report on the Council NGO Committee (Item 31) (E/940) August 9, 1948

Article 80 and the UN Recognition of a “Palestinian State”


In the entire debate now taking place on whether the United Nations Security Council or General Assembly has the right to approve the application of the “Palestinian Authority” to be recognized as a new member state of the UN, almost no mention is made of the legal fact that the UN itself is barred by its own Charter from acting upon or approving such an application. The reference here is, of course, to Article 80 of the UN Charter, once known unofficially as the Jewish People’s clause, which preserves intact all the rights granted to Jews under the Mandate for Palestine, even after the Mandate’s expiry on May 14-15, 1948. Under this provision of international law (the Charter is an international treaty), Jewish rights to Palestine and the Land of Israel were not to be altered in any way unless there had been an intervening trusteeship agreement between the states or parties concerned, which would have converted the Mandate into a trusteeship or trust territory. The only period of time such an agreement could have been concluded under Chapter 12 of the UN Charter was during the three-year period from October 24, 1945, the date the Charter entered into force after appropriate ratifications, until May 14-15, 1948, the date the Mandate expired and the State of Israel was proclaimed. Since no agreement of this type was made during this relevant three-year period, in which Jewish rights to all of Palestine may conceivably have been altered had Palestine been converted into a trust territory, those Jewish rights that had existed under the Mandate remained in full force and effect, to which the UN is still committed by Article 80 to uphold, or is prohibited from altering.

As a direct result of Article 80, the UN cannot transfer these rights over any part of Palestine, vested as they are in the Jewish People, to any non-Jewish entity, such as the “Palestinian Authority.” Among the most important of these Jewish rights are those contained in Article 6 of the Mandate which recognized the right of Jews to immigrate freely to the Land of Israel and to establish settlements thereon, rights which are fully protected by Article 80 of the UN Charter.

It should be common knowledge that under the Mandate, all of Palestine was reserved exclusively for the establishment of the Jewish National Home and future independent Jewish State, as was previously decided at the San Remo Peace Conference that took place in April 1920. Or put another way, no part of Palestine was allotted for an Arab National Home or state, since Arab self-determination was being generously granted elsewhere – in Syria, Iraq, Arabia, Egypt and North Africa – which has led to the establishment of the 21 Arab states of today, over a vast land mass from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean. There is thus no necessity for a new independent Arab State in the specific area of former Mandated Palestine reserved for Jewish self-determination, most particularly, in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Creating such a state out of Jewish land would be blatantly illegal under Article 80 of the UN Charter and beyond the legal authority of the UN itself.

In this respect, neither the League of Nations nor its successor, the United Nations, ever had sovereign rights over the land we Jews call Eretz-Israel. As a non-sovereign, the UN has no power whatsoever to allot territory to the “Palestinian Authority” where the allotted territory already belongs to the Jewish People.

Moreover, there is no article in the UN Charter which gives either the Security Council or the General Assembly or even the Trusteeship Council the power to create a new independent state. If the UN had such power, then logically it would also have the inverse power to “de-create” or dismember an existing state, a power it certainly does not enjoy under the UN Charter. If, theoretically speaking, this power did exist, the UN would be in effect a world legislature that could make or unmake states by its own volition, a power that would put in jeopardy the present world order.

For the foregoing reasons, the bill introduced in the US Congress by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is definitely the proper course of action to follow. UN illegality needs to be roundly condemned and stopped dead in its tracks by an appropriate punitive measure, exactly as Ros-Lehtinen has proposed. Her bill would be even more worthy if it were to include a direct reference to Article 80 and to the fact that the UN has no legal power to create a state or to allot another state’s territory for that purpose, accomplished through the devious or underhanded means of accepting the applicant’s request for membership in the world body.

The Jews were not given the land in Israel and the Jewish part of the land was purchased from the rich Arab landowners at a premium price.
During testimony in front of the British Peel Commission January 12, 1937 The Hajj Amin el-Husseini, the intractable opponent of Zionism, a Jew-hater who killed over 12,000 Jews in Bosnia on par with Hitler, admitted under questioning that no Arab land was stolen; no Arabs were wiped out, no villages destroyed. Rather, the Jews bought hundreds of thousands of dunam (about ¼ of an acre) of land from willing sellers, often from absentee Arab landowners. During the war of
Independence in 1948. Then 5 nations waged war on them and got their skull handed to them. At that point, they earned it. Countries have tried to knock them off the hill, but Israel keeps winning, so, yeah, it's their land now. Deal with it. And sweetie, Hamas is a terrorist group. Innocent people are being slaughtered by Hamas...and then they hide behind innocent people as Israel fires back. It's surprising to see an American eat up Hamas's propaganda so easily. You're a liberal arts major aren't you?


I would be hard pressed to identify any (non third world, anyway) country today that exists without any change in "ownership." To me, the Native American Indians were in North America first. The Europeans "conquered" the country, built it up, more people came, land was partitioned back to the American Indians (reservations), where they (reluctantly, I'm sure) exist. Now, what would happen if the Native Americans decided that they wanted more of their homeland and started lobbing missiles into Oklahoma City? Do you think the US Government would just sit by?
The bottom line is that all these people in the
Middle East can make claims and justify their land rights, depending on a point in time in history. Right now, there is Israel and there are surrounding Arab nations. The Arabs (and their derivatives) need to stop trying to destroy Israel and other terrorist acts and try and co-exist. It is pretty clear to most even-minded people that Israel has been living under constant threats and, given the fact that they haven't nuked their enemies, has been showing considerable restraint. The Palestinians (which isn't even a real "nation" by the way, if one reads history) have some land to call their own and it is called Jordan and so does Israel, which took care of the million Jewish people expelled from Arab countries, The Arabs countries confiscated their land, which is 4 times the size of Israel and are holding assets totaling over 15 trillion dollars. Amen.


I find it comical that people you are likening Israel's existence to that of a theoretical invasion of Indian reservations (Palestine) by the US Marines (Israel) ... as:

1) 30 odd percent of the Israeli population are Muslims and Christians, who live in an environment far more free than any Islamic equivalent...most of which either have or will fight for and defend their country in the IDF.

2)Islam really only came to be in the 6-7th century, prior to which most of the region were either Jewish or Christian.. The Quran uses most of the Old testament as its base, all of which, came to be in the time of Mohammed who was simply a descendant of Ishmael (Abraham's son)...so with this in mind, how are the Jews, equivalent to Indonesians invading Australia? ... In reality they are equivalent to Australian Aboriginals...Every Muslim that exists today is a descendant of something else... What's more, structures like the Western Wall and the Old city of Jerusalem predate Christ, whilst buildings sacred to Islam like The Dome of the Rock (built 691 AD...) came long after.

3) If we really want to be pedantic, one of the most holy cities in the Islamic faith - Medina, was a mainly Jewish before it was Islamic and 700 Jews were beheaded for not converting to Muslim faith and their wives and daughters taken as slaves and abused.

In regards to Gaza however, In 2005 Israel pulled completely out of Gaza, in 2006 when the Palestinian Arabs were able to vote in a legislative election for the first time in ten years, they chose Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization that drew its popularity from its unwillingness to even entertain the thought of peace with the Jewish State.

The 2006 election showed once again that the root cause of terrorism lay in a culture where political popularity came from killing Jews, not from bringing peace.

Hamas’ ability to carry out more spectacular terrorist attacks, employing motivated Islamist suicide bombers, gave it the inside track in the election. Where Western political parties might compete for popularity by offering voters peace and prosperity, Palestinian factions competed over who could kill more Jews. And Hamas won based on its killing sprees and its unwillingness to water down its platform of destroying Israel. If occupation were the issue, then the less territory Israel “occupied”, the more peace there would be. But the real world results of the peace experiment have led to the exact opposite outcome.

Israel’s withdrawals from Gaza and Lebanon did not lead to peace, they led to greater instability as Hamas and Hezbollah exploited the power vacuum to take over Gaza and Lebanon, and used that new-found power to escalate the conflict with Israel. The less territory Israel has occupied, the more violence there has been directed against her. The goal of the terrorists has never been an Israeli withdrawal and a separate peace, but the perpetuation of the conflict, and the elimination of the Jewish state.

Half a year after Israel withdrew from Gaza, Hamas swept the Palestinian legislative elections. Another half a year after that, a Hamas raid netted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit as a hostage. Barely a year after Israel had withdrawn from Gaza; Hamas had found a way to bring Israeli soldiers back into Gaza for a renewal of the conflict.

Cut off from attacking Israel directly by a blockade, Hamas deepened its investment in long-range weapons systems, even while complaining that its people were going hungry. After its takeover of Gaza, it significantly improved its weapons capabilities. In 2004, it had achieved its first Kassam fatality killing a 4-year-old boy on his way to a Sderot nursery school, but by 2006, its capabilities had so dramatically improved that it was able to launch its first Katyusha rocket at Ashkelon, the third largest city in Israel’s south with a population of over 100,000.

As the volume and range of Hamas’ rockets increased, Israel was forced to take action. In 2004, Israel suffered 281 rocket attacks. By 2006, that number had increased to over 1,700. In 2008, the number of rocket and mortar attacks approached 4,000 triggering Operation Cast Lead, also known as the Gaza War.

Operation Cast Lead destroyed enough of Hamas’ stockpiles and capabilities to reduce rocket attacks down to the 2004 and 2005 levels, but another dramatic increase in attacks in 2012, with over 2,000 rockets fired into Israel, combined with the smuggling of Fajr 5 rockets capable of reaching Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, forced Israel to carry out a series of strikes against Hamas in Operation Pillar of Defense.

Both times Israel did not choose a conflict of opportunity, but reacted to a disturbing level of Hamas violence, and had nothing to gain from the conflict except for a temporary reduction of violence.

The same is the case of Operation Protective Edge which Hamas launched over 15,000 rockets at Israel - No Nation in history would tolerate such attacks without a strong response to defend its population from death and destruction. Any other nation, the response would have been much worse and the destruction would of been almost total. Putin would of wiped Gaza of the map, in less than 72 hours and nobody could challenge him.


"We have to undue the decades of nonsense that the peace industry has fermented, which led us to the position where the world thinks we the Jews are occupiers in our own land.

If something is false and it is repeated enough times it becomes sort of common wisdom.

We have to undo that."


I have long said, this isn't about land, but extermination of a religion and culture not accepted by another. I have actually asked the question, what if there was no 'holy land'. Say a natural disaster, dissolving the place into nothing. Would you still fight? Well, the answer was chilling and saddened me greatly. The answer was over and over, "we have the right to kill all non believers". I've read and re-read everything, from both sides, also, non-biased writings. I come to the conclusion that Israel must protect herself in every way possible or face genocide. Those in power rejected all and any attempts to recognize Israel's right to exist. Don't start with who was there first, because when you look at it, there have been many successors and each took their place with the right to rule. So that argument is mute. Israel is the rightful successor, having won in war. Many times. Sadly, it will continue, because when one culture wants another's elimination, there is no talking. I hope Israel does not repent, or give up any more land, because they will only make themselves vulnerable. Might I remind you, on 911, there was one who wished our extermination, right here in America. This will continue until education and humanity replaces a hatred, for no other reason, than to not accept that you exist.

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